Tuesday, July 11, 2006

When there are not enough white blood cells

Normal levels of white blood cells are a number between a low of 4 and a high of 11. You can see how Pace's white blood cells took a hit at the start of treatment with abraxane. They recovered somewhat but not enough to get back to normal. Then, once the FEC treatments started to build up toxicity, Pace's white cells plumited below 4 and have remained there since.

White blood cells help your body to fight infections. When there are not enough white cells in the blood serum it's easier to get infections. Special precautions should be made to avoid infections when your white blood cell count is low.

Most every cancer patient carries with them a little book that carries information on their bloodwork and treatment. When blood is tested before a chemotherapy threatment, the nurse ususlly fill out another page in the little book.

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