Sunday, July 23, 2006

disbelief and the forgetfulness of chemo brain

We’re both feeling kind of dragged out this weekend. I think it is the stress of the impending operation and the fact that we still do not know if her surgeon has been able to get out of Lebanon.

If someone was writing a script I don’t think this situation would never make it past an editor. The whole scenario as a possibility is too implausible; “The Young and the Restless” maybe, but in any other media that takes itself seriously, I doubt it.

Pace commented that for the last couple of days that she was having trouble with the side effects of her chemotherapy. Her face has been numb; she’s been feeling ill and not herself, really tired generally right out sorts. In my guy way, the solution according to logic was that it must be the cumulative effects of the chemo and that it is going to take some time to flush from the system.

Last night Pace told me that she’d forgotten to take the meds for the side effects of the chemo. Once she started to take them again she felt better, but still not 100%

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