Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sunday July 24th 1988

As I was winding down for sleep last night I picked up one of my old journals, it's a black leather, blue paper, 8.5"x5.5" and embossed with golden initials of my Grandfather and I. In a finger of God moment, the notebook the fell open to this entry.

July 24, 1988

I watched my namesake dying today
And saw the pain he pays in spades
cloud over his tired, sky blue eyes.

Frustrated with one way communication
and gesturing for the things he needs
All he can do is listen and nod
To my emotionally strained monologue

He lies there holding my hands
Fading in and out of sedation
The man who never showed me weakness
Not wanting to let go of my hand

God the father, God the son and God the Holy Ghost
How does his pain fit into your plan?
When a man no longer has his pride
When he can not move
from his hosiptal bed to a chair unaided

When nurses cheerily suction blood
out from his thorat
Jokingly telling him to "pee in there"
And another nurse later
rummages the vacuum
through the hole in his throat
His eyes full of panic and tears of pain
She cleans up around the tube
He collapses back into his pillows
Sedated beyond the point required
He's the man I love, but he's not the same
I wonder how strange is his percieved world
What he feels and sees

Courage wells up from my soul
As I think of my strength and health
I wish I could find some dignity in this
But my prayers go unanswered
and my soul rings empty

My Grandfather died four days later.


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Robert, je veux te dire ce qu je pense de ce propos stupide que tu as écrit 2 jours avant l'opération de Pascale:

"When Pace asked me what I thought about the reconstruction, I suggested that maybe she go for one size bigger and get a "C" cup. (Note to the guys, if your girl asks this question, she proably doesn't want an answer.) Her retort can only be catagorized as quid-pro-quo."

Je pense que Pascale voulait être rassurée et non pas devenir Pamela Anderson! Si tu voulais une plus grosse paire de nichons, tu n'avais qu'à choisir une danseuse ou une pute ou une autre fille plutôt que d'épouser Pascale.

Désolée mais j'ai trouvé ce message PUBLIC ridicule et je ne suis pas la seule. Tu n'as vraiment rien d'un Brad Pitt ou d'un Richard Gere pour exiger de plus gros nichons.

Si tu aimes vraiment Pascale, tu devrais retirer cette "imbécillité" de ton blog: ca fait vraiment "new kid on the block".

Excuse mon langage mais comme je doute que tu acceptes de te faire grossir la "bitte" pour elle, accepte-là comme elle ou fais de l'air: elle ne s'en portera que mieux!

Valérie L. (ex-conjointe et très grande amie de son oncle Jacques)

Robert Gillelan said...

Valérie, you are way out of line.

You've either not fully read, or you misunderstood the nuances of the post and you should be ashamed of yourself for you venomous comment.

Pace told me to ignore you as she and I met you once, over 5 years ago, for 3 hours. You're projecting your own bias wielding it like a club.

Given everything that Pace and I are going through, your very mean spirited comments refelect either a misandrist, misanthropic facet of your personality.

You are right I am no Brad Pitt, I've worked on building my marriage as we go through this crisis rather than abandoning Pace and Vianne to shack up with another woman. Je suis un très fier mari qui reste avec Pace néomoins les circonstances au lieu de seulement un ex-conjoint et très grande ami.