Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Recovery Day 4 - Home Again

Pace was released from the hospital this afternoon.

In my mind this is stupid as they release her at 3:00pm, we have to battle rush hour home and hope the pain killers suffice; if you've ever had a car ride soon after an operation you'll know what I'm talking about. The we have to go back to the hospital again tomorrow for 9:00am to get the bandages removed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A big "OUF"!, thanks so much for sharing so generously... now on to healing. I am so very hopeful for Pax (O.K. I like that, may I use that abbreviation) and your family!

I feel love and send it to all three of you and continue to send "des grosses bises" et des "serre-forts" but not trop fort...Repose toi bien ma belle Pax, Mau. et moi pensons beaucoup a toi et chaque jour on t'envoie une bonne pensee pour que tu prennes un plus grand pas vers l'avenir et la guerison...

On vous embrasse!