Monday, November 14, 2005

More bad news, this time it's Mom.

Pace and I were walking around the house talking about the ambulatory clinic schedule and the doctor's prognosis when my cell phone rang.

"Bob, call me when you get home." Says Dad.
"What's up dad?"
"I just want to be sure you're all in safely. Call me tonight o.k."

About 8 hours later we were back in Toronto and I was spent from 6 hours of driving. I called my Dad right away."

Dad pretty much dispensed with the pleasantries and told me my mother had suffered a serious heart attack on Saturday. He told me she was at St. Joes but weak. I told him I'd check on her during my lunch as the Agency I work at was close to the hospital.

"What next?" I thought and immediately told myself to shut up and stop attracting trouble.

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