Tuesday, November 15, 2005

More bad news, but on the good side... I get more time to help Pace heal

I went to the hospital this morning to see my Mom. She was sleeping and I've never seen her look so frail. I sat beside her and prayed for about a half hour and then went back to work

I had been back about an hour when our President called an all hands meeting. He told us about the company's financial problems. We all knew about them but I figured we still had some liquidity. Turns out we didn't. The Prez addressed us and did a clockwise tour of the table telling 15 of the 19 of us that we were to be "temporarily" laid off. It was a mighty sad moment. I felt like I'd just been through Survivor's "tribal council."

I got a Strongbow at the pub downstairs. Then went home to tell Pace.

Pace took the news of being the company closing down pretty well; while settlements are still forthcoming, we have a bigger fish to fry. I'm glad I took my Dad's advice to keep 3 months of expenses in a readily accessible financial product.

Except that if that chemotherapy usually lasts 3 to 6 months.

I just can't let my mind start working through the possible scenarios and outcomes.

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