Saturday, February 17, 2007

I'm not allowed in the hospital

I was woken up yesterday morning by the wee one wanting me to read her a Winne the Pooh books.

About 5 pages from the end I got this incredible call from mother nature. I struggled to finish the story and bolted to the bathroom. There is truth to the cliché that if you want to get sick go to the hospital. The documentation on hospital borne gastro infections like C difficile, are that they are highly contagious. However, if you are a normal helathy adult, with a strong immune system, it too will pass.

It lasted for two days and I embarked on an almost fanatical hygenic routine of hand washing and cleaning up after myself with Lysol, Purel, soap and water to reduce the risk of Pace getting this. Fortunaltly it worked, no one else has gotten it and I lost 10 pounds to boot. Pace feels that it's just stress and nerves; smile and nod yes Robert, just smile and nod yes.

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