Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Another Successful Operation! A great Valentine's Day present.

Genevieve the resident gynecologist came by to see Pace this morning and told her that as far as everyone was concerned, her hysterectomy was a success. Pace has a small body and perfect anatomy. She liked hearing that. However if I say the same thing it just doesn't have the same effect on her. Maybe even with a variety of change-ups to the same complement years just doesn't seem as fresh after 18 years of repetition.  Anyways...

The surgeons had been concerned that as they cut through the scar of her cesarean section that some of the underlying organs had been connected to the scar tissue. That's a very major health problem if the cut causes bacteria to leak from the intestines. Last thing you want is a fluid from the intestines getting into your abdominal cavity and causing Peritonitis.

When they did get her open, and had clamped back the skin, they were a bit concerned because her intestines were not completely empty. One of the risks of any operation is a slip of the scalpel that nicks an organ.

So they got the intestine moved out of the way and there was the uterus and the ovaries. Genevieve said the operation was so smooth that they should have had the students in to witness how easy this operation can be.

Pace is in intense pain and the hot flashes have started again.

However, we are one step closer to getting this all behind us.

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