Saturday, December 17, 2005

Getting back on track

Well the shock and anger from Wednesday’s appointment has calmed and we're working on a multi-threaded plan with the goal of getting Pace the best care possible as soon as possible and getting her back home, in the near term, to relax and get treatment.
  1. Pace is getting her biopsy on Dec 22nd and they'll grow the culture over the holidays. It should be ready the first week of January. We've asked for the slide numbers so the biopsy results can be transferred easily from lab to any hospital in QC or ON.
  2. We're getting copies of all documents, tests, MRI's and x-rays into a binder we can keep with us for when Pascale finally gets things transferred to Toronto.
  3. Pace has been able to get in on Wed Dec 21st to see the oncologist that's treating her aunt. Hopefully we can get the chemotherapy side of things accelerated through him.
  4. We're looking for referrals to good oncology docs (surgeons, radiologists and chemo) in Toronto through the family and friends network. The hope is to get her into Princess Margaret/Mount Sinai. If you know of anyone please let us know!

We've got a serious blizzard happening in Montreal today so we'll be taking the suburban train into the city for the doctor's appointment. The radio reports roads as treacherous and impassible in places. Gotta love winter...

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