The nurse told me not to worry. They still did not have final confirming results from the tests but so far the tests are negative. "It's preventative and there's probably nothing to worry about."
"And would you want your husband hospitalized in the same room with people infected with c difficile?" I asked.
"That's not fair and it's more complicated than that." She replied.
"Sorry, but it feels like you're gambling that all will be well." I observed
"We're taking all of the necessary precautions." She insisted and then added. "Make sure you wear the sanitary gown and gloves."

I bit my tongue to keep from saying something I'd regret and causing resentment towards Pace.
The operation was to take 2.5 hours in total. The operation itself is an hour; the other time is getting her set up and into the recovery room.
Pace was told she'd go down for her operation at 11:15am. We got no news until they finally came for her at 2:00pm.
It's disconcerting because we know from experience that the operation would be cancelled if the doctors weren't able to be finish and be out of the operating theatre by 4:00pm, unless there were complications of course...
Fortunately there were no complications, the nurse said Dr. Ouellette was happy and Pace was back in the room for 6:00. France and I sat with her as she drifted in and out of consciousness. She's in a lot of pain and wants the pain killers but she's got a blood pressure sensitivity to morphine and she doesn't like the "drugged out" sensation of Dilaudid, which is also a morphine based pharmaceutical but has not got the same side effects.
As the nurse said "which do you prefer, the pain or the pain killer?"
France and I left Pace at about 9:30.
The drama is exhausting.
1 comment:
Hey Robert,
Just wanted to let you know that I have been checking your BLOG regularly to see how things are going. Please know that you and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers and we wish Pascal a speedy recovery and a return to some kind of normal(?) life for all of you. It was wonderful to see you at New Year and we look forward to seeing you again soon,in Guelph!!
All our love, Catherine & family
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