We didn't want to take The Wee One to St. Luc Hospital too soon. It's hard to see your loved one at first delirious from anesthetics then in a fog of pain followed by the lucidity of the painkillers. Pierre and I thought it was good for her to understand what's happening to Mama before she came home. Yet for her sake, we'd waited till the hydromorphine lowered Pace's deep abdominal pain and internal suffering.
Ma petit fille got help at Marlyne's day care making the Valentines Day Bag, the blue flower was her choice at the flower shop with France and Pierre, The plush flower was from Intramiel along with a pot of propolis for her surgical scar. The wee one and I like to go there to look at the farm animals, play on the slides, get Raspberry Flower Honey; there is a real difference in taste and lastly look for the Queen Bee; she has a green dot on the middle of her thorax. There was a small group of worker bees who have stayed on, buzzing around the Queen keeping her warm. The wee one's doesn't quite get the metaphor yet but it does describe the help we've been getting for the last 16 months.
So the wee one's sat next to Pace on the hospital bed and didn't move from there. She talked about her life and that "Mommy" would get better, checked out the bandage and she talked some more. She even stuck up an conversation with Pace's room-mate Madame Ducat. She definitely an extroverted one she takes after the both of us role models.
Ma petit fille got help at Marlyne's day care making the Valentines Day Bag, the blue flower was her choice at the flower shop with France and Pierre, The plush flower was from Intramiel along with a pot of propolis for her surgical scar. The wee one and I like to go there to look at the farm animals, play on the slides, get Raspberry Flower Honey; there is a real difference in taste and lastly look for the Queen Bee; she has a green dot on the middle of her thorax. There was a small group of worker bees who have stayed on, buzzing around the Queen keeping her warm. The wee one's doesn't quite get the metaphor yet but it does describe the help we've been getting for the last 16 months.
So the wee one's sat next to Pace on the hospital bed and didn't move from there. She talked about her life and that "Mommy" would get better, checked out the bandage and she talked some more. She even stuck up an conversation with Pace's room-mate Madame Ducat. She definitely an extroverted one she takes after the both of us role models.
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