In genetics, our DNA is made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes. An autosomal gene is on one of the 22 pairs of chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes. The implications of Dominant Autosomal Chromosomes means that only one parent has to have that specific genetic sequence to pass on a genetic condition.
In the case of BRCA1 and the wee one's future health; Pace had a 50% chance of passing that genetic mutation.
If the wee one carries the BRCA1 mutation her risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer in her lifetime is estimated to be 36-87%.
So do we test her? If she does carry that gene and we confirm it through genetic testing, her chance of getting insured is probably zero.
Would you get the test conducted if the wee one was your child?
Click the comment button below and tell me what you think.
Good Morning to you all
Personally as difficult as it may be I would be inclined to not test my daughter if I was in your situation. Reason being, there is not a thing you can do should the test come back with less than promising results. I think the energy that would be spent on worrying would be much better put to use in living. All difficult times aside you all still have one another and that is what is truly most important. Today, not yesterday and not tomorrow just today.
I would not conduct the test at this time were it up to me. I might wait for her to make the decision herself as an adult. Who knows what might happen between then and now. "9 out of 10 problems you see coming down the road go into the ditch before they get to you." - Calvin Coolidge, US President
Hmmm..That's a toughie. I'd say, give her the facts when she's older and let her choose whether or not she wants to take the test.
No, she has many years ahead of her before this is even a concern. By that time, all indications are that cancer will become a thing of the past. Isolating the cancer gene is the first step in figuring out how to shut it off!
Enjoy your daughter in these magic years and let sleeping dogs lie for now. There is a 50% chance she is Irie! She proabaly is!
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