Usually, when someone needs to have radiotherapy the area that need treatment is carefully marked out using tiny tattoos. The radiotherapy machine uses these tattoos as markers to direct the radiation to only the part of the body that needs to be treated.
However in Pace's case they've mapped it out in purple marker. She says it takes about 35 minutes in the room for them to calibrate and program the machine. The the actual treatment takes about 10 minutes.
Pace asked me to take these pictures so you
could better understand the extent of the
radiation treatment.

One of the side effects of radiotherapy is that it burns the skin. Pace says after one week of radiotherpay her skin is already very sensitive. Considering she's as lilly white and sun sensitive as you can be I'm not really surprised but I am trying to be supportive. I just hope it doesn't take too long to heal because as you can see her skin is going to be burning in a lot of places.
You also have to be careful if you use a moisturizing or soothing cream in that you use to be sure you don't interfere with the transmission of the radiation to the target areas. There is a perscription cream, (another ca-ching for the drug company I'm sure) that is supposed to help.
I'll let you know about it in a later post.
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