Rule number one about video phones and web cams is that you should treat it like you're shooting live action on film. Make sure that you have everything prepared before you get the talent on the set and roll the cameras.
She's like any other kid, totally impatient with how long it takes some people to to get things done. Well that sounds like me too. Like the last time I was at the grocery store and the lady immediately in front of me in line pulls out 20 coupons at the check out...
When we finally get the web cam going well we start talking around the logistics of the wee one coming "home" with me for a couple of weeks. Pace tells me that for weeks she's been saying "I'm packing my bags cause I'm going with Popa on the Choo-Choo."
This is such a good thing that's come together. The difference in the availability of daycare Quebec and Ontario is like night and day. There's plenty of places in Oka and Montreal where I could drop her off for the day. In Toronto its either who you know or do you have $3,000 per month for emergency day care.
We are blessed with good friends. Linda has facilitated a temporary arrangment with her nanny and babbysitter to put together an amazing program for Vianne for the next two weeks. It is going to be so cool, for the wee one and for me.

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