Poppa and the wee one are hanging out and enjoying life for an extended 2 week visit with Poppa as Maman stays in the country to recover from the FEC. The renewal and promise of life that defines Spring are an excellent inspiration. My life has been more hectic.
The wee one and I have been spending the most interrupted time together since this journey started last October. Last time she was in town she was the angel I've always known and loved. This time, I think that she hit the temper tantrum part of the "terrible twos" just before she came home. She's still an angel, just a more challenging one.
Reverse psychology is working with the "NO Poppa!" I've been warned of it causing years of therapy for children later in life as a result just like watering down her juice, depriving her of chocolate and teaching her to bait her own fish-hooks.
The sharing part is a little more tricky and I refuse to battle over food. More than one person has advised me she won't let herself starve. I'm more convinced it's the 3:oo am demands for food that going to require therapy.
I'm amazed how many times kids can watch the same program, or 28 DVD episodes, over and over again. My parents probably thought the same thing about me and Speed Racer.
We get a variety of interesting reactions when the wee one and I are out and about. I'm still floored at those with the lack of tact who question me if I am enjoying a moment of child custody. Then there's the others that want to know if I'm a widower. Months ago I'd get angry at that question. Now I just take it as a compliment; it feels good to be cruised at the age of 44.
So as the wee one and I romp about the grocery store, parks and subway I find we're leaving grins and giggles in our wake. That always makes being a Poppa feel like I am giving back for all the good friends and God's gifts we've recieved.