There's a line in The Matrix (movie) where the Oracle say "I hate giving good people bad news but..." I wish this was a movie.
Pace got her second opinion today and the good news is she likes the doctor and he has a great relationship with one of the best oncologists at Sunnybrook. He wants to see her have her chemo and radio therapy in T.O. as Sunnybrook is now considered the best in the land.
Then the other shoe drops. He looked at her breast MRIs and is concerned. The cancer is aggressive, it's spreading and we're facing an emergency. However until we get the results of the biopsy they can't start the chemo.
Wish I could say that's all but it's not. The original doc did not order a check of Pace's liver, intestines and stomach to see if cancer had spread there. And the hits just keep on coming. It's possible that there are two other lesions in her right beast. I'm not sure if these are the odd shape of the tumor of something new. It's hard to know the questions to ask when learning this new vocabulary.
All I can do is be there for Pace when she needs me.
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