Last night I woke up at 1:00 in the morning overheated and covered in sweat. Not the cold, clammy uncomfortable kind, more sauna like except that rather than having hot air wick the sweat off me, the bed sheets are damp and my pjs are clinging to me.
The room was hot... so much so that I opened the window and checked the radiator to see if the bolier was going crazy. Nope, that wasn't the source. So I get a glass of water, go back to bed, and pull Pace close. Then it hits me. There's no problem with the boiler, I've got a furnace in my bed.
Oddly, while Pace was roasting she was barely sweating. I flipped the comforter off and eventually got back to sleep. I was told menopause was weird but I didn't think a hot flash could be that strong.
Wow! Talk about underestimating the power of a woman.