Back in June 9th Pace's operation was set for July 28th, it was confirmed on July 26 pm for Hotel Dieu.
July 27th Pace gets a voice mail at 4:00 saying that the operation has been moved to Notre Dame and that it would be a day surgery. We're confused as the doctors have said she'd be in the hospital for 3-4 days following surgery. However, we can't reach anyone to answer our questions and so with the attutide that all is good and on track.
July 28
7:00 am - Pace, her Maman and I arrive at Notre Dame and Pace gets her blood work done
7:30 am - assigned a room where Dr. Rami's patents await their turn for surgery.
Pace and I spoon together and nap on the gurney.
9:00 am - Another patient arrives she's 81 and is going first to get a lump the size of a cherry removed. Nurse 1 takes Pace's blood pressure and other vital signs.
10:15 - Our senior patient comes back from surgery
10:30 - Patient 2 arrives, I'm a little P.O.ed as she appears to be late and may be holding up the process for Pace. Suppposedly her tests at St.Luc took longer than expected. I'm annoyed but wish her well as Nurse 2 takes her to surgery.
11:30 - Operation starts on Patient 2
11:45 - Nurse 3 comes by and gives us Pace's room number for her 4 days of recovery at the hospital
12:00 - Nurse 2 comes to get Pace and take her for her radiation injection
12:30 - Hospital Administration takes the decision to cancel Pace's surgery
12:45 - We get back to the room and settle in for the wait again
1:15 - Nurse 4 comes in to tell us the operation is cancelled.
2:30 - Dr. Rami shows up, he's upset and explains that;
- The surgery was cancelled along with 6 other ones
- This happens more often that you would think
- It happens in Ontario too
- Not to worry about the radiation from the injection; it was not that high a dose
- The prime window for surgery following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy is 4 to 6 weeks.
- June 29 to July 28 is 4 weeks
- The next date for surgery will be August 18, which is 7 weeks following the end of the chemotherapy but because Pace responded so well to the chemo "he's" not concerned about the extra week past the recommended window.
- It's vacation time and the hospital is short staffed
- We may be able to get the surgery performed earlier of there are other cancellations
About this time I'm ready to turn into the Hulk and break things. However, I channel my anger (anger is an energy) towards doing somehting positive and head off to find the hospital's ombudsman.
2:45 - I show up at the "complaints office." it starts awkwardly. The secretary can't find Pace on the list of surgeries to be performed that day, but she does show as a patient. I'm told they'll get on it and a report will be issued within 45 days. Just then the ombudsman comes out of her office gets Pace's information and starts making calls.
3:30 - I catch up with Pace and France, we leave and go get some sushi before heading back to "la maison"